This warrant information was created to allow the public to assist law enforcement in locating people with warrants. The majority of Yankton County's warrants are for minor offenses. Yankton County also has warrants for persons with more serious felony offenses.
Information from the public is a valuable tool in solving crime and keeping our communities safe.
If you have information regarding someone with an outstanding warrant, do not approach the person. Instead please call the Yankton County Sheriff's Office at 605-668-3567 or email: sheriff@yanktonlaw.com. All calls and emails are confidential. At your request you may also remain anonymous.
The list changes frequently and is intended to show active warrants held on the date shown.
(Abbreviations: BW - Bench Warrant, FW - Felony Warrant, W - Warrant)
Information from the public is a valuable tool in solving crime and keeping our communities safe.
If you have information regarding someone with an outstanding warrant, do not approach the person. Instead please call the Yankton County Sheriff's Office at 605-668-3567 or email: sheriff@yanktonlaw.com. All calls and emails are confidential. At your request you may also remain anonymous.
The list changes frequently and is intended to show active warrants held on the date shown.
(Abbreviations: BW - Bench Warrant, FW - Felony Warrant, W - Warrant)

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